Knowing Yourself

From the day we are born, we are confused. As we grow up, we learn what we like and what we don’t like. We try out different things we are interested in and over time we develop a closet of outfits. Some fit like a glove and others hang off our bodies like a blanket. Others simply look good but are the most uncomfortable to wear. In the end, we find a few that draw us intensely to them.

However, everyone reaches a stage in their life when they start caring about what people think of them. This sometimes makes us put back our hangers displaying our prized identities. We begin to question whether we really want to be the person on the hanger in the closet and many of us decide to be someone else. Feelings of insecurity emerge and we realize we are even more unsure of who we are than we were on day one of our lives.

In the end, we get tired of our inner uncertainty and we re-open our closets to examine their treasures. The dust is shaken off each outfit and then the real decision occurs. For one reason or another, we choose our uniform to wear for the rest of our life. We brush off our shoulders and step out into the world. With a smile on our face, and no regard for sacrificing our identities for the happiness of others, we are learning to know ourselves. In fact, we always have.

Borrowing Freedom

Dark brown eyes so deep and surreal,

Fill my heart with hope.

Glossy smooth coat that shines in the sun,

Warms my soul with ease.

Strong, sturdy legs, so powerful and firm,

Take me away forever.

Coarse, thick mane, that keeps on flowing,

Keeps me clinging with strength.

Beautiful horse, so wild and untamed,

Allows me to borrow freedom.


You were courageous
You were independent
You were assertive
You were certain
You were bold
You were hidden
You were present
You were strong
And I carry on…
You were brave
You were fierce
You were loving
You were caring
You were natural
You were right
You were wrong
And I carry on…
You were perfect inside
You are me
I am you
We are within